安装 Beego
Installing Beego 安装 Beego
You can use the classic Go way to install Beego:
您可以使用经典的 Go 方式来安装 Beego:
go get github.com/beego/beego/v2
Frequently asked questions:
git is not installed. Please install git for your system.
未安装 git。请为您的系统安装 git。
git https is not accessible. Please config local git and close https validation:
无法访问 git https。请配置本地区 git 并关闭 https 验证:
git config --global http.sslVerify false
How can I install Beego offline? There is no good solution for now. We will create packages for downloading and installing for future releases.
我该如何离线安装 Beego?目前没有好的解决方案。我们将在未来版本中创建用于下载和安装的软件包。
Upgrading Beego 升级 Beego
You can upgrade Beego through Go command or download and upgrade from source code.
您可以通过 Go 命令升级 Beego,或从源代码下载并升级。
Through Go command (Recommended):
通过 Go 命令(推荐):
go get -u github.com/beego/beego/v2
Through source code: visit
and download the source code. Copy and overwrite to path$GOPATH/src/github.com/beego/beego/v2
. Then rungo install
to upgrade Beego: 通过源代码:访问
。然后运行go install
来升级 Beego:go install github.com/beego/beego/v2
Upgrading Prior to 1.0: The API of Beego is stable after 1.0 and compatible with every upgrade. If you are still using a version lower than 1.0 you may need to configure your parameters based on the latest API.
1.0 之前的升级:Beego 的 API 在 1.0 之后是稳定的,并且与每次升级兼容。如果您仍在使用低于 1.0 的版本,则可能需要根据最新的 API 配置您的参数。