bee 工具简介


Introduction to bee tool - bee 工具简介

Bee tool is a project for rapid Beego development. With bee tool developers can create, auto compile and reload, develop, test, and deploy Beego applications quickly and easily.

​ Bee 工具是一个用于快速开发 Beego 的项目。借助 bee 工具,开发人员可以快速轻松地创建、自动编译和重新加载、开发、测试和部署 Beego 应用程序。

Installing bee tool 安装 bee 工具

Install bee tool with the following command:

​ 使用以下命令安装 bee 工具:

go get

Update the bee tool with the following command:

​ 使用以下命令更新 bee 工具:

go get -u

bee is installed into GOPATH/bin by default. You need to add GOPATH/bin to your PATH, otherwise the bee command won’t work.

bee 默认安装在 GOPATH/bin 中。您需要将 GOPATH/bin 添加到您的 PATH 中,否则 bee 命令将无法运行。

bee tool commands bee 工具命令

Type bee in command line and the following messages with be displayed:

​ 在命令行中键入 bee ,将显示以下消息:

bee is a tool for managing Beego framework.


	bee command [arguments]

The commands are:

	new         Create a Beego application
	run         run the app and start a Web server for development
	pack        Compress a Beego project into a single file
	api         create an API Beego application
	bale        packs non-Go files to Go source files
	version     show the bee, Beego and Go version
	generate    source code generator
	migrate     run database migrations

Command new 命令 new

The new command can create a new web project. You can create a new Beego project by typing bee new <project name> under $GOPATH/src. This will generate all the default project folders and files:

new 命令可以创建一个新的 Web 项目。您可以在 $GOPATH/src 下键入 bee new <project name> 来创建一个新的 Beego 项目。这将生成所有默认项目文件夹和文件:

bee new myproject
[INFO] Creating application...
13-11-25 09:50:39 [SUCC] New application successfully created!
├── conf
│   └── app.conf
├── controllers
│   └── default.go
├── main.go
├── models
├── routers
│   └── router.go
├── static
│   ├── css
│   ├── img
│   └── js
├── tests
│   └── default_test.go
└── views
    └── index.tpl

8 directories, 4 files

Command api 命令 api

The new command is used for crafting new web applications. The api command is used to create new API applications. Here is the result of running bee api project_name:

new 命令用于构建新的 Web 应用程序。 api 命令用于创建新的 API 应用程序。以下是运行 bee api project_name 的结果:

bee api apiproject
create app folder: /gopath/src/apiproject
create conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf
create controllers: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers
create models: /gopath/src/apiproject/models
create tests: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests
create conf app.conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf/app.conf
create controllers default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers/default.go
create tests default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests/default_test.go
create models object.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/models/object.go
create main.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/main.go

Below is the generated project structure of a new API application:

​ 下面是新 API 应用程序的生成项目结构:

├── conf
│   └── app.conf
├── controllers
│   └── object.go
│   └── user.go
├── docs
│   └── doc.go
├── main.go
├── models
│   └── object.go
│   └── user.go
├── routers
│   └── router.go
└── tests
    └── default_test.go

Compare this to the bee new myproject command seen earlier. Note that the new API application doesn’t have a static and views folder.

​ 将此与前面看到的 bee new myproject 命令进行比较。请注意,新的 API 应用程序没有 staticviews 文件夹。

You can also create a model and controller based on the database schema by providing database conn:

​ 您还可以通过提供数据库连接来基于数据库架构创建模型和控制器:

bee api [appname] [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn=root:@tcp(]

Command run 命令 run

The bee run command will supervise the file system of any Beego project using inotify. The results will autocompile and display immediately after any modification in the Beego project folders.

bee run 命令将使用 inotify 监督任何 Beego 项目的文件系统。结果将在 Beego 项目文件夹中进行任何修改后立即自动编译并显示。

13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Uses 'myproject' as 'appname'
13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Initializing watcher...
13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/controllers)
13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/models)
13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject)
13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Start building...
13-11-25 09:53:16 [SUCC] Build was successful
13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] Restarting myproject ...
13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] ./myproject is running...

Visting http://localhost:8080/ with a web browser will display your app running:

​ 使用 Web 浏览器访问 http://localhost:8080/ 将显示正在运行的应用:


After modifying the default.go file in the controllers folder, the following output will be displayed in the command line:

​ 修改 controllers 文件夹中的 default.go 文件后,命令行中将显示以下输出:

13-11-25 10:11:20 [EVEN] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": DELETE|MODIFY
13-11-25 10:11:20 [INFO] Start building...
13-11-25 10:11:20 [SKIP] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": CREATE
13-11-25 10:11:23 [SKIP] "/gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go": MODIFY
13-11-25 10:11:23 [SUCC] Build was successful
13-11-25 10:11:23 [INFO] Restarting myproject ...
13-11-25 10:11:23 [INFO] ./myproject is running...

Refresh the browser to show the results of the new modifications.

​ 刷新浏览器以显示新修改的结果。

Command pack 命令 pack

The pack command is used to compress the project into a single file. The compressed file can be deployed by uploading and extracting the zip file to the server.

pack 命令用于将项目压缩成单个文件。可以通过将 zip 文件上传并解压到服务器来部署压缩文件。

bee pack
app path: /gopath/src/apiproject
GOOS darwin GOARCH amd64
build apiproject
build success
exclude prefix:
exclude suffix: .go:.DS_Store:.tmp
file write to `/gopath/src/apiproject/apiproject.tar.gz`

The compressed file will be in the project folder:

​ 压缩文件将位于项目文件夹中:

rwxr-xr-x  1 astaxie  staff  8995376 11 25 22:46 apiproject
-rw-r--r--  1 astaxie  staff  2240288 11 25 22:58 apiproject.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x  3 astaxie  staff      102 11 25 22:31 conf
drwxr-xr-x  3 astaxie  staff      102 11 25 22:31 controllers
-rw-r--r--  1 astaxie  staff      509 11 25 22:31 main.go
drwxr-xr-x  3 astaxie  staff      102 11 25 22:31 models
drwxr-xr-x  3 astaxie  staff      102 11 25 22:31 tests

Command bale 命令 bale

This command is currently only available to the developer team. It is used to compress all static files in to a single binary file so that they do not need to carry static files including js, css, images and views when publishing the project. Those files will be self-extracting with non-overwrite when the program starts.

​ 此命令目前仅对开发人员团队可用。它用于将所有静态文件压缩成单个二进制文件,以便在发布项目时无需携带包括 js、css、图像和视图在内的静态文件。这些文件将在程序启动时自动解压,且不会覆盖。

Command version 命令 version

This command displays the version of bee, beego, and go.

​ 此命令显示 beebeegogo 的版本。 此命令尝试输出 beego 的版本。它适用于 GOPATH 模式。Bee 从 $GOPATH/src/astaxie/beego 目录中查找 beego 的版本。

$ bee version
bee   :1.2.2
Beego :1.4.2
Go    :go version go1.3.3 darwin/amd64

This command try to output beego’s version. It works well for GOPATH mode. Bee finds beego’s version from $GOPATH/src/astaxie/beego directory.

So when we use GOMOD mode, and we don’t download beego’s source code, Bee could not find the version’s information.

​ 因此,当我们使用 GOMOD 模式,并且我们没有下载 beego 的源代码时,Bee 无法找到版本信息。

Command generate 命令 generate

This command will generate the routers by analyzing the functions in controllers.

​ 此命令将通过分析控制器中的函数来生成路由器。

bee generate scaffold [scaffoldname] [-fields=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
    The generate scaffold command will do a number of things for you.
    -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ...
    -driver: [mysql | postgres | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp(
    example: bee generate scaffold post -fields="title:string,body:text"

bee generate model [modelname] [-fields=""]
    generate RESTful model based on fields
    -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ...

bee generate controller [controllerfile]
    generate RESTful controllers

bee generate view [viewpath]
    generate CRUD view in viewpath

bee generate migration [migrationfile] [-fields=""]
    generate migration file for making database schema update
    -fields: a list of table fields. Format: field:type, ...

bee generate docs
    generate swagger doc file
bee generate routers [-ctrlDir=/path/to/controller/directory] [-routersFile=/path/to/routers/file.go] [-routersPkg=myPackage]
    -ctrlDir: the directory contains controllers definition. Bee scans this directory and its subdirectory to generate routers info
    -routersFile: output file. All generated routers info will be output into this file. 
              If file not found, Bee create new one, or Bee truncates it.
              The default value is "routers/commentRouters.go"
    -routersPkg: package declaration.The default value is "routers". 
              When you pass routersFile parameter, you'd better pass this parameter

bee generate test [routerfile]
    generate testcase

bee generate appcode [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("] [-level=3]
    generate appcode based on an existing database
    -tables: a list of table names separated by ',', default is empty, indicating all tables
    -driver: [mysql | postgres | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver.
             default for mysql:    root:@tcp(
             default for postgres: postgres://postgres:postgres@
    -level:  [1 | 2 | 3], 1 = models; 2 = models,controllers; 3 = models,controllers,router

Command migrate 命令 migrate

This command will run database migration scripts.

​ 此命令将运行数据库迁移脚本。

bee migrate [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
    run all outstanding migrations
    -driver: [mysql | postgresql | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp(

bee migrate rollback [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
    rollback the last migration operation
    -driver: [mysql | postgresql | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp(

bee migrate reset [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
    rollback all migrations
    -driver: [mysql | postgresql | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp(

bee migrate refresh [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
    rollback all migrations and run them all again
    -driver: [mysql | postgresql | sqlite], the default is mysql
    -conn:   the connection string used by the driver, the default is root:@tcp(

bee tool configuration bee 工具配置

The file bee.json in the bee tool source code folder is the Beego configuration file. This file is still under development, but some options are already available to use:

​ bee 工具源代码文件夹中的文件 bee.json 是 Beego 配置文件。此文件仍在开发中,但已有一些选项可供使用:

  • "version": 0: version of file, for checking incompatible format version. "version": 0 :文件的版本,用于检查不兼容的格式版本。
  • "go_install": false: if you use a full import path like you can enable this option to run go install and speed up you build processes. "go_install": false :如果您使用完整导入路径(如 ),则可以启用此选项以运行 go install 并加快构建过程。
  • "watch_ext": []: add other file extensions to watch (only watch .go files by default). For example, .ini, .conf, etc. "watch_ext": [] :添加其他要监视的文件扩展名(默认情况下仅监视 .go 文件)。例如, .ini.conf 等。
  • "dir_structure":{}: if your folder names are not the same as MVC classic names you can use this option to change them. "dir_structure":{} :如果您的文件夹名称与 MVC 经典名称不同,可以使用此选项来更改它们。
  • "cmd_args": []: add command arguments for every start. "cmd_args": [] :为每个启动添加命令参数。
  • "envs": []: set environment variables for every start. "envs": [] :为每个启动设置环境变量。
最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)