使用 Supervisord 进行部署


Deployment with Supervisord 使用 Supervisord 进行部署

Supervisord is a very useful process manager implemented in Python. Supervisord can change your non-daemon application into a daemon application. The application needs to be a non-daemon app. So if you want to use Supervisord to manage nginx, you need to set daemon off to run nginx in non-daemon mode.

​ Supervisord 是一个用 Python 实现的非常有用的进程管理器。Supervisord 可以将非守护进程应用程序更改为守护进程应用程序。该应用程序需要是非守护进程应用程序。因此,如果您想使用 Supervisord 来管理 nginx,则需要将守护进程设置为关闭,以在非守护进程模式下运行 nginx。

Install Supervisord 安装 Supervisord

  1. install setuptools ​ 安装 setuptools

     wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
     sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg 
     easy_install supervisor
     echo_supervisord_conf >/etc/supervisord.conf
     mkdir /etc/supervisord.conf.d
  2. config /etc/supervisord.conf ​ 配置 /etc/supervisord.conf

     files = /etc/supervisord.conf.d/*.conf
  3. Create new application to be managed

    ​ 创建要管理的新应用程序

     cd /etc/supervisord.conf.d
     vim beepkg.conf

    Configurations: ​ 配置:

     directory = /opt/app/beepkg
     command = /opt/app/beepkg/beepkg
     autostart = true
     startsecs = 5
     user = root
     redirect_stderr = true
     stdout_logfile = /var/log/supervisord/beepkg.log

Supervisord Manage Supervisord 管理

Supervisord provides two commands, supervisord and supervisorctl:

​ Supervisord 提供两个命令,supervisord 和 supervisorctl:

  • supervisord: Initialize Supervisord, run configed processes supervisord:初始化 Supervisord,运行已配置的进程
  • supervisorctl stop programxxx: Stop process programxxx. programxxx is configed name in [program:beepkg]. Here is beepkg. supervisorctl stop programxxx:停止进程 programxxx。programxxx 是 [program:beepkg] 中配置的名称。此处为 beepkg。
  • supervisorctl start programxxx: Run the process. supervisorctl start programxxx:运行进程。
  • supervisorctl restart programxxx: Restart the process. supervisorctl restart programxxx:重新启动进程。
  • supervisorctl stop groupworker: Restart all processes in group groupworker supervisorctl stop groupworker:重新启动 groupworker 组中的所有进程
  • supervisorctl stop all: Stop all processes. Notes: start, restart and stop won’t reload the latest configs. supervisorctl stop all:停止所有进程。注意:start、restart 和 stop 不会重新加载最新的配置。
  • supervisorctl reload: Reload the latest configs. supervisorctl reload:重新加载最新的配置。
  • supervisorctl update: Reload all the processes who’s config has changed. supervisorctl update:重新加载所有已更改配置的进程。

Notes: The processes stopped by stop manually won’t restart after reload or update.

​ 注意:手动通过 stop 停止的进程在重新加载或更新后不会重新启动。

最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)